Use the above URL in your og:image meta tag. You can also dynamically or manually generate these links using the following schema:
Parameter | Notes | Options |
:title | The title, largest text in the image. You can use "{{n}}" for a newline | N/A |
:subtitle | The subtitle, under the largest text. You can use "{{n}}" for a newline | N/A |
:url | The url you want to show at the bottom. This should be without the protocol (http://). You cannot use slashes here, but you CAN use "{{s}}" |, |
:protocol | The protocol of the aformentioned URL. Should not include "://" | http, https, file |
:font | The font you want used in the image. You must use one of the fonts we support (supported fonts in examples) | menlo, atkinson |
:image | The image you want to be used as the background. You must use one of the images we support (supported images in examples) | candybar, cheerfulorange, renownedred, unmatchedeclipse, virtualshapes, flawlessaffinity, prettyheroic, irritablehero, circleacquired, descendsun, shatteredfeelings |
:color | The hex code of the color you want as the foreground. You cannot use the pound (#) symbol, so use {{h}} instead. | {{h}}FF6600 |
This project costs me roughly $10 a month to operate. Although not required, donations are gratefully accepted:
This project is hosted on DigitalOcean. Using this link, get started on DigitalOcean with a $100, 60-day credit for new users (and I get $25!).
Inspired by Vercel's similar app.
Need help? Email me!